We’re open! Our kitchen operates from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you have any reservation inquiries for indoor seated dining or Garden Tea, please click here.
St. Catharines

  • 2.5″ Succulents

    $12.00 - $20.00
    Light requirements: Bright filtered light Water requirements: Light Water, let dry out between watering. Requires good drainage. Keep soil fairly dry.
  • 4″ Succulents

    $18.00 - $30.00
    Light requirements: Bright filtered light Water requirements: Light Water, let dry out between watering. Requires good drainage. Keep soil fairly dry.
  • 4.5" Hanging Basket Burro's Tail Light requirements: Bright filtered light Water requirements: Light-Medium Water. Requires good drainage. Allow the soil to dry between watering.
  • 4.5" Hanging Basket Baby's Necklace Light requirements: Bright filtered light Water requirements: Light-Medium Water. Requires good drainage. Allow the soil to dry between watering.
  • Light requirements: Bright- Medium filtered light. Water requirements: Medium Water. Do not Let soil dry out. Mist if it’s not kept in a humid environment. Keep indoors until risk of frost has passed. Can be planted outdoors in spring. Prune branches back that are growing upwards to keep the weeping pussy willow shape.
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